Searching for the new shape of Intention Circles... or Intention Springs 🌀 An invitation

Hello friends,

For those who joined us sharing intentions on the Tree — we’re exploring the new iteration of Intention Circle… or Intention Springs :cyclone:

Firstly,I would like to personally thank you for being part of Intention Circles :pray:t2:, for generously joining in sharing intentions and stories every Monday on Gather. It has been a unique experience to connect with you this way.

Currently @vivek and myself are exploring it’s new iteration, possibly named “Spring of Intent” or “Intention Spring,” like an underground spring rippling outward… We would like to take this opportunity to reflect, tweak the format, and welcome new co-creators — that means you!

What we would like to ask:

We would like to invite you, as the first co-creative act of the next phase, to join us in sharing:

  • What is your interpretation of an Intention Spring? How might it best serve you?

  • Do you have a vision for its new iteration?

So far we’ve received feedback on:

  • Artistic improvements: riffs on the tree, artistic takes on Intention Circles, ideas to improve the imagery, to add content.

  • Format improvement: an increase in facilitators (2-3 people who participated actively in the first shape of Intentions) meaning we can host 13 people/week

    • 13 newcomers + 5 “facilitators” = 18 people
    • 18 people / 3 per room = 6 groups of 3
    • Adding context so 3 newcomers can still enjoy / learn about each other within context of Kernel along the way.
    • Should the “facilitator” role be something we carry into the next interation? How could we make it so that more of us can take part in guiding intention circles each week without the rigidity of “roles”?


As the new iteration continues to take shape, we’re gathering feedback,creative ideas, and thoughts in this space:

Intention & Inventions Arena

I am looking forward to your insights and inspirations. I hope that we can continue to nurture this special place that we have created between us and shape it into what we like it to be :heartpulse::deciduous_tree: