🌱 Design Lore — an exploration of the stories that shape how we build

About the Convo

What is your design philosophy? Are there certain bodies of thought, theories, or personal values that contribute to your approach to your practice?

This is a space for the exploration and discussion around personal design philosophy in:

  • products/user experiences
  • creative being
  • defining a new internet
  • life

All thoughts are welcome — be curious, critical, winding and tangential. Looking to foster an explorative space that examines our unique processes and how we might learn and adopt tenants from each others’ practices.

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Tue May 30 2023

In our first session, we talked about what design looks like in everyday life, the role of whitespace in giving ourselves room to breathe, and what design means to us.

References shared:

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Tue Jun 6 2023

Today’s discussion formed around the idea of Protocol Fiction brought up by Shan, which defines the rituals, attitudes, and culture that emerges from the use of the protocol. This can be likened to Policy Proposals or etiquette in friend groups. Our design frameworks can be thought to follow similarly, in that the behaviours we design for are encoded as preference in the ritual system.

Design can be thought of as a way to make what’s in our minds, legible to the world (Rebecca Mqamelo). We discussed Pattern Languages, how we might codify friendship rituals to form a toolkit for new interaction patterns. Chris Tan added how Tribal Knowledge made use of best practices from the people around you.

From there we spoke about how designing encodes a preference by making some behaviours easier to do over others. In this way the medium comes to define behaviour.

Rebecca talked about Designing Legible Rituals, the role of placemaking + architecture in designing psychological containers, and how a 6 month sabbatical provided the space to think deeply about process. Notion docs, logging visions, and drafting shared space helped to solidify rituals for future reference. “Design is to figure out what my mind looks like”

“We have protocols to be alone, and protocols to come together” (Vivek)

Aliya shares research on Stigmergic Markers, an area of study that covers collective sensemaking, open source attention, digital artifacts of human attention, and reducing epistemic pollution.

Lastly, Shan brings up designing tools for sacred space, as opposed to the invasive and addictive tools used in biohacking or toxic self-help. Tools that help us empower agency to understand ourselves in the moment. Tools that use peer to peer engagement.

For the next session, we will come together for a 5min intro, a 20min exercise, and a 35min discussion.



I’m loving watching this unfold :heart:

The image reminded me of some of this kind of design thinking.

as i breathe
and wonder about white space
embodied, embedded, enacted, extended
by this reciprocity,
i remember.

i remember
what cannot be forgotten
yet slips from living memory
when i am only me
rather than a whole
tangled bank of wisdom which shares
that i am nothing, dyed with love
which realises i am everything
and in between these two
one life moves, eternal,
experiencing its own de-signs,
its own dasein in time
structured by the promise
that there is a purpose, here,
that how we live has many meanings

though we will never know them all,
and can never find what we’re looking for,

for it has already found us,
visionary readers touched
by angels and told to recite
the sacred tablets of our heart.


This was so beautiful to read. It really captured these feelings that have been stirring — and were the basis for starting this conversation — craving an internal third space through which to parse processes to make sense of a practice, liminal space to unearth the unique voice that guides an ethos, and that sense of loss that comes from a creative undoing that is part of an internal inquiry.

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Tue June 13 2023

Today we explored 3 experimental exercises focused around bringing awareness to our perception of ourselves, in hopes to create an intentional space through which we can nourish a practice.

Exercises here: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

One of the things noted by the group was how meaningful it was just to have a ‘container’ that gave permission to focus on other tasks they needed to do. Many of us chose exercise #1 and meditated for 12 minutes, then chose a task we’ve been putting off to do for the next 8 minutes.

Ola raised a good question as to how this exploration of design lore can tie back to our involvement in web3. Next week we will do an ideation exercise in groups of 2 on that topic.

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Tue June 20 2023

Today was the final session in this ephemeral installment of lore explorations. We took a more applied approach and jotted down ideas in the form of Crazy 8s on the tooling, practices, and processes that could form our ideal web3 environment, following the structure of the Whole Earth Catalog (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_Earth_Catalog)

Figma whiteboard: https://www.figma.com/file/dnvpmJYrE6aczk0CZR0Vq1/Whole-Earth-Catalog-Exercise?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=eMw89QDsYH1IIu9C-1

To be continued…