Anything you’re learning that could be helped by learning with Kernel? This is calm place to share those individual pursuits and questions and find the others who might meet us along the road.
These could range from casual interests, to broad explorations, to specific projects. Ideally, an overarching question you’ll explore over 2-3 months.
When an Orienting Question is posted, we encourage everyone to suggest potential paths of exploration:
- Analogs and anti-logs: who’s explored this idea, or an idea with something in common? What worked and didn’t for them? If those are projects, we can ask the founders and designers to share direct experience. If they’re communities, we can learn from observation, like a wildlife safari.
- Whitepapers & interesting ideas: any suggested papers or reading? any conceptual work out there?
Then, the OP can choose from these, and use Kernel events like Paper Party, juntos (and to-be-launched events like Clinic and Empirical Beauty) to “learn out loud” with other fellows. This way our learning journeys can weave with one another.
As things are learned, we encourage the OP to share progress in their thread. This will help other co-learners join you with the benefit of your context, and help stewards and other fellows adjust our suggestions to your trajectory.